
First - Thin Tables and First Impressions

Previous - Just Point and Shoot

006 - Face the Music

Publish date: 31st Oct 2019

Perspective: Loe

Lab-grown meat was an interesting experience for Loe, it wasn't like anything else she'd ever eaten.
It wasn't amazing by any means, nor was it terrible, it was just...different.
Romov is glancing back and forth between Tom and Loe, with her hands holding up her head via her chin.
Tom struggles to swallow, as he tries to rush himself to say something.

Tom: I've just realised, you said you hear through your entire body?

Loe: Yeah?

Tom: I need to show you music. Like, now.

He's scarfing down the remains of his meal at this point. Romov shakes her head, and chuckles.

Romov: We've known the Oda for, what, 200 years now?

Tom: Something like that, why?

Romov: You've really never shown them music?

Tom stops eating mid-bite, deep in thought. 200 years, and nobody thought to play music to them.

Loe's following the conversation closely, whatever they wanted to show her was important.

Tom: I guess not, but we couldn't exactly give them our tech, could we?

Romov: I suppose not.

Loe: Could you explain what music is?

Romov: It's hard to explain, you'd have to hear it yourself.

Tom: I have an idea.

Tom extends his arm, he obviously wants to show Loe something. But in front of Romov?

Loe: We should probably explain this to Romov first.

Tom suddenly becomes aware that he's still in the mess hall.

Tom: Let's find somewhere more appropriate.
Romov, you still have that record player, right?

Romov: That old thing? I'd be surprised if it still works.

Tom: So would I, but it predates computers.
I know you're attached to that one, but we could make a new one and give that to Loe.

Loe is baffled by the development, this was the first time she'd seem Tom actively trying to get around restrictions on what he could share with her, and he liked to share a lot with her.

The three of them start making their way to Romov's quarters.

Loe: Could you please explain what you want to show me?

Tom: It's far easier to let you experience it.
Romov, as I recall you went to a concert a few years back?

Romov: Yeah, why?

Tom: How well do you remember it?

Loe: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Romov: Is this what you did on the way here?

Tom and Loe look at each other, and back at Romov. No response, but for Romov, their actions say enough.
They enter Romov's quarters, and Tom motions for Romov to sit on her bed.

Tom: Hold out a finger, and let Loe grab it.
Fair warning, feels like you're being deep-fried.

Romov: Splendid.

Romov provides her left hand, and starts preparing herself. Loe cautiously extends outwards.

They make contact, and Loe winces at first. Romov doesn't let Tom see it, but he wasn't wrong.

Loe: Once you're comfortable, I'll take your entire hand.

Romov: Huh?

Loe: That's roughly how much I need to be able to share thoughts.

After a few minutes, the pain is barely noticeable, and Loe starts advancing.
Tom's busy fiddling with a strange box-like thing, that has what looks like a war horn on top.

Romov: I wish he'd be more careful with that.

Loe: Why, is it important?

Romov's eyes shoot open, staring at Loe. She's burning with anger, mixed with some anxiety.
Loe shrinks away somewhat, they're only at half a hand.
Romov turns to Tom, Loe's grip loosens as she gives back most of her hand.

Romov: TOM! What is this!?

Tom: I assume you started talking in your head.

Loe: Relax, I won't go farther than you want me to.

The anger subsides, mostly. She did say share thoughts, after all.
Loe starts advancing once more, but more slowly, until her hand is completely covered.

Loe: That's enough for you to share thoughts and scenes with me.
Think about the concert, Tom wants me to see it.

A sharp spike of embarrasment comes from Romov, she never actually went to a concert.

Loe: Show me what he thinks you remember, I won't tell.

Romov thinks for a moment, before a scene floods their mental view.
Romov is sitting in her room, it's a calm night.
No clouds, moonlight sifting through the curtains, a perfect night for relaxing.
Romov moves towards the record player, pulls out a black disc-like object, and places it on top.
The disc starts spinning gently. She lifts the appendage, and places it on top of the disc.

The most amazing feeling overwhelms Loe, as bizarre sounds start emanating from the war horn.

Loe: Oh~

Tom: Uh...

Romov: She's alright.

Loe wasn't alright, the vivid memories Tom had were nothing compared to this.
Romov could feel Loe physically rising and falling to the music, a prisoner to the music.
She would sway side to side, the trumpet tugging her back and forth.
The metronomic drums thump again and again, her heartbeat chained to it.
And then, the vocals kicked in, commanding her to obey.
Loe starts visibly bubbling, Romov's head is swaying side to side.

Tom: Are you sure she's alright?

Loe: Aaaah~

Romov: Positive.

Loe loses her grip on Romov, and her moment of bliss is cut short.

Loe: Ngh- Wh- What was that?

Romov: I think she likes it, Tom.

Tom: What did you show her?

Romov moves towards her collection, looking for one in particular. She finds it, and pulls it out.
'Lost in the Rhythm'

Tom: Well, I suppose it's an appropriate name.

Romov: I don't have it in vinyl, think you can transcribe it?

Loe: Wh- What else do you have?

Loe still hadn't recovered.

Tom: I can, are you sure it's a good idea?

Romov: Connect with her, and listen. You'll understand.

Tom: I'll be back in a few minutes.

Tom makes his way to the door, and glances back at Loe. Concern riddles his otherwise calm face.
He wants to say something, but nothing comes out. He quickly exits.

Romov: You should relax for a bit, that felt pretty intense.
Hopefully you understand why I'm a little annoyed Tom hasn't shown you this before.

Loe: Yes.

Loe moves onto the bed next to Romov, and immediately slumps into it.
Romov moves to the sink, fills a glass with water, and hands it to Loe.
'Sweating' doesn't quite to justice to Loe's state. If water were skin, she'd be molting.
Loe practically eats the glass of water, with the cup rolling out of her onto the bed.

Tom returns, not with a vinyl, but with a small device.

Tom: I've got-

He stops immediately, upon seeing the state Loe is in.

Tom: I...Loe? Here.

He hands the device to Loe. Loe reaches out, shaking from the experience, but manages to grab it nonetheless.

Tom: That's a portable music player, you can use it to listen to a ton of music.
I'm not supposed to give you it, but one track just doesn't do it justice.

Loe: How...does it work?

Tom starts pointing at various buttons on the front.

Tom: Arrows to navigate, middle button to select.
Volume is on the top.
I'd, uh...suggest keeping the volume low for now.
There's a few thousand tracks on there, I didn't want you running out whilst we fight this war.

Loe: Thousand?

Loe couldn't believe it, one "track" had done this to her and he just gave her thousands.

Tom: Can I...experience it?

Tom holds out his hand, as he sits on Romov's bed.
Loe grabs hold without hesitating, slightly catching Tom by surprise.
Loe moves to select the track, but the interface confuses her.

Tom: Here, let me.

Tom selects 'All Tracks', and starts scrolling down the daunting list. Thankfully, it's alphabetical.
Tom lowers the volume, and presses play.
Romov heads towards the door, looks back at them, and smiles. The lyrics fill the room.

There's a boy down-town from the club I know,
He doesn't say a word just hits the floor,
The way he moves always caught my eye,
Couldn't take no more just had to try...

Loe starts bubbling, Tom closes his eyes, Romov closes the door.